The Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network is a listing directory, marketing & news resource to promote and celebrate the diversity & creativity of the fiber arts community of the greater Hudson Valley region - from New York City to the Canadian border, along the I-87 and Hudson River corridor and surrounding areas.
Apply Now
Become a listing-sponsor or ad-sponsor of the Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network, or take advantage of our listing-only option.
Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network Short Form Application - PDF Format
Listing only is only $35 per year.
Listing-sponsorships start at $100 per year.
Please print out application form, fill it in, and mail with remittance to:
Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network
PO Box 84
Accord, NY 12404
We can only accept checks or money orders for payment. We did this to keep costs low, so we can offer reasonable rates.
Are you involved in the fiber arts in some way?
Let people know about your fiber arts related talents, skills, projects, activities, business, etc.
Are you an upstate sheep or alpaca farm trying to connect to a downstate yarn shop?
Are you an indie dyer, spinner, or art batt maker looking for outlets to sell your unique fiber or yarn?
Do you make knitted, crocheted, woven, felted, etc. finished products and would like to let people know where you sell them or try to get them in more stores?
Are you a test knitter or crocheter who would like to connect with a pattern designer?
Do you teach knitting, crocheting, weaving, feltmaking, and other fiber arts and want to let people know where you hold classes or that you're available for classes?
Are you an art gallery that features fiber artists in some of your shows?
Are you a fiber artist and would like to let people know where you're exhibiting your work?
Do you make tools for the fiber artist, like spindles, yarn bowls, spinning wheels, etc.?
Can you provide care, attention, and spare parts to a spinner's beloved wheet?
Do you put on a fiber festival or fair?
These are just a few of the reasons to become a listing-sponsor, ad- sponsor, or take advantage of the listing-only option for the Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network.
Apply now and help support and be a part of the Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network community.
Become a sponsor and a part of the Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network
Listing-Sponsor and Listing-only option information:
Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network Short Form Application - PDF Format
Hudson Valley Fibers Arts Network – Listing Tiers & Rates
Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network – Listing Categories